How to Mine Litecoin on Antpool with Antminer L7: Ultimate Guide


Litecoin (LTC) has gained significant popularity in the world of cryptocurrencies, offering faster transaction confirmations and a unique Scrypt mining algorithm. If you’re interested in mining Litecoin, Antpool is an excellent Litecoin mining pool for its reliability and robust mining infrastructure. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to mine Litecoin on Antpool using the powerful Antminer L7 mining machine.

Understanding Antpool

Antpool, operated by Bitmain, is one of the largest and most reputable mining pools in the cryptocurrency industry. With its high hashrate and extensive network, Antpool offers miners a reliable platform for mining various cryptocurrencies, including Litecoin. By joining Antpool, you can leverage its advanced mining infrastructure to optimize your mining efficiency and maximize your earnings.

Setting Up Antminer L7 for Mining on Antpool

1. Connect and Configure Antminer L7:

  • Connect your Antminer L7 to a stable power source and ensure it’s connected to a reliable internet connection.
  • Access the Antminer’s web-based interface by entering its IP address in a web browser.
  • Configure the mining pool settings by selecting “Miner Configuration” and entering the required information for Antpool (pool URL, worker username, and password).

1) stratum server address: (Can be found in the bottom right corner of ANTPOOL LTC page)




2) Set up miners and connect to ANTPOOL (worker name is sub-account name + suffix, 

for example, sub-account: always; the first miner is named: always.01, the second miner: always.02… and so on)

3) Fill in the three stratum server addresses to miner backend (recommended to enter only one miner name for the three server addresses, password can be 123). Click “Save & Apply” to run the miner.

4) Keep miner running for about 10 minutes; check miner hash rate, temperature and other parameters under miner status from miner backend

(Note: As long as one of the three stratum server addresses is live, the connection would be ok. If the primary server is offline, miner will automatically switch to the second address and this does not impact your earnings.)

Parameters under Miner Status:

A: Operation time          

B: Miner hash rate

C: Pool connection status, “Alive” means connected

D: Error rate, normally lower than 0.03%

E: Number of Hash boards     

F: Number of chips detected in the chain

G: ASIC frequency setting

H: Hash rate of each hash board  

I: Hash board temperature  

J: ASIC temperature

K: ASIC status, “O” indicates OK; “X” indicates error; “-” indicates dead  

L: Fan speed

5)  Keep miner running for about 10 minutes; check miner hash rate, temperature and other parameters under miner status from miner backend.

(Note: As long as one of the three stratum server addresses is live, the connection would be ok. If the primary server is offline, miner will automatically switch to the second address and this does not impact your earnings.)

2. Joining Antpool:

  • Create an account on Antpool’s website ( if you haven’t already.
  • Log in to your Antpool account and navigate to the “Dashboard” section.
  • Click on “Add Worker” to create a worker that will be associated with your Antminer L7.
  • Enter a unique worker name and password for identification.

Configuring Mining Settings on Antpool:

  1. Mining Algorithm Selection:
    • Access the “Settings” section on Antpool’s website.
    • Select “Litecoin (LTC)” as the mining algorithm for your worker.
  2. Monitoring and Managing Mining Operations:
    • Access the Antpool dashboard and monitor your mining performance, hashrate, and earnings in real-time.
    • Customize notification settings to receive updates on your mining activity via email or mobile notifications.

Maximizing Mining Efficiency and Earnings:

  1. Pool Configuration:
    • Explore Antpool’s advanced settings to optimize your mining efficiency, such as adjusting the difficulty level or selecting payout methods (PPS or PPLNS).
    • Consider joining mining sub-pools within Antpool to further enhance your earnings potential.
  2. Fine-tuning Antminer L7:
    • Access the Antminer’s web interface and navigate to the “Advanced Settings” section.
    • Customize mining parameters such as voltage, frequency, or fan speed to achieve optimal performance and energy efficiency.

Mining Litecoin and Monitoring Progress:

  1. Verify Mining Status:
    • On the Antpool dashboard, check the worker’s status to ensure it is actively mining Litecoin.
  2. Monitoring and Analyzing Results:
    • Regularly monitor your mining performance, hashrate, and earnings on the Antpool dashboard.
    • Utilize additional mining software or monitoring tools to analyze performance and make data-driven decisions for optimizing your mining operations.

Earnings and Payment

1)    ANTPOOL provides daily payouts. Once your earning reaches the minimum payment amount, payouts will be sent to your wallet automatically. (LTC default minimum payout amount is 0.001. This amount can be managed by you.)

2)  Payment will be sent to the wallet you set up on ANTPOOL. You can check the payment in your wallet or view your payment history under “Dashboard”– “Payment History” on ANTPOOL. (Paying: payment is being process; Paid: payment completed, tokens sent to your wallet)

(If you did not set up a wallet address, your earnings will be kept in your account balance.)

Note: Please make sure to use a valid wallet address for mining. ANTPOOL will not be responsible for any loss of earnings caused by wrong wallet configuration.


Mining Litecoin on Antpool with the powerful Antminer L7 provides a great opportunity to be part of the Litecoin mining community and earn rewards. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can efficiently set up your Antminer L7 and join Antpool, leveraging its robust infrastructure to maximize your mining efficiency and profitability. Remember to regularly monitor your mining performance and stay informed about the latest developments in Litecoin mining to make the most of your mining operations on Antpool.

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